Reaction Roles Major Upgrade November 2023 – Premium Details

As part of our major upgrade, we’ve updated and simplified the way Reaction Roles Premium subscriptions work. We’ve also added a new Premium Plus tier for our super-power users.

Previously, the way you got free access to many of the Reaction Roles bot features was complicated: you had to vote on Top.GG, which gave you limited time access to a very limited set of features. If you wanted full access to the features offered by the Reaction Roles bot, you had to purchase a Premium subscription.

The voting system was a common cause of confusion when users first started using the bot. It also often caused technical issues for users due to the inherent brittleness of integrating 3rd party tools (i.e. Top.GG’s voting system).

The new, upgraded, and simplified premium system has completely done away with voting. There are now clear limits on what’s available for free and what you get with the Reaction Roles Premium or Premium Plus subscriptions.

Reaction Roles Usage Tiers

The upgraded Reaction Roles bot now has multiple usage tiers. Each tier has a set of usage limits as well as available features. For a detailed list of features and limits, please see our current premium purchase page.

Reaction Roles Free

This is our free tier with a generously high limit on the number of reaction roles you can use.

Reaction Roles Premium 🏆

This is our standard premium tier with a higher limit on the number of reaction roles you can use, plus access to advanced features such as Group and Timed roles, self-destructing roles and much more.

All existing subscriptions are in this Reaction Roles Premium tier. It costs exactly the same as before ($6/month or $60/year).

Reaction Roles Premium Plus 🏆

This is our new, highest Premium Plus tier with a very high limit on the number of reaction roles you can use, plus very high limits on our advanced features.

Reaction Roles Supporter

This is a separate Supporter subscription for individuals. By becoming a supporter of the Reaction Roles bot, you gain prominence in the Droplet Development community and access to the new /supporter command for managing DMs sent from the bot.

What Happens to My Existing Data?

All your existing data (reaction roles, auto roles, group roles, timed roles, etc) is still available, active and enabled as before. However, you will not be able to add new data past the limit of your current tier. Additionally, if you are at or over the limit of your current tier, you will not be able to move or edit any existing data. You can always remove or disable data.

For example, if you are a free user, and you have more than 20 messages with reaction roles on them, all of the messages and the reaction roles on those messages will continue to work as they did before. However, you will not be able add more reaction roles until you remove or disable enough messages to be under the free limit of 20 active messages.

If you are a free user and are currently using premium features, such as Group roles (which were previously available via voting), those premium features will continue to work for you. However, you will not be able to create more, nor move or edit any existing. You will only be able to remove or disable existing ones, unless you decide to purchase a Premium or Premium Plus subscription.