The Reaction Roles bot supports many different types of reaction roles, covering a broad range of use cases. From standard roles to timed roles to group roles, now matter how you want to setup reaction roles for your users, the Reaction Roles bot has you covered.
These are the different types of Reaction, Grouped and Timed roles that you can use when building your reaction roles.
Note that the 🏆 icon indicates that this type of reaction role is a premium feature.
Standard (Add/Remove)
Assign a role to a user when they click on the reaction, and remove the role when they remove their reaction.
This type of reaction role can be created using the /reactionroles add
Permanent Add
Assign a role to a user when they click on the reaction, but do not remove the role when the user removes their reaction.
This type of reaction role can be created using the /reactionroles add
Permanent Remove
Remove a role from the user when they click on the reaction, but do not assign the role when the user removes their reaction.
This type of reaction role can be created using the /reactionroles add
Reverse (Remove/Add) 🏆
Remove a role from the user when they click on the reaction, and assign the role when they remove their reaction.
This type of reaction role can be created using the /reactionroles add
Grouped 🏆
A set of reactions where each reaction in the group has a separate set of 1 or more roles. The user can have only 1 set of roles from the group. Clicking on a reaction assigns the reaction’s set of roles to the user and removes any of the roles from the other reactions in the group.
This type of reaction role can be created using the /grouproles add
Timed Standard (Add/Remove) 🏆
Assign a role to a user for a limited amount of time when they click on the reaction, and remove the role when the time is up or if they remove their reaction.
This type of reaction role can be created using the /timedroles add
Timed Remove 🏆
Assign a role to a user for a limited amount of time when they click on the reaction, and remove the role when the time is up. The role will not be removed when the user removes their reaction.
This type of reaction role can be created using the /timedroles add